Every Sunday morning, 9.45am
​During our weekly Sunday service, children and youth are invited to join us for our different Oasis kids groups. We enjoy diving into the bible together with activities, songs, games and crafts.
OASIS YOUTH (School years 6+)
Sundays, 6.30-8pm (during term time)
Lots of fun with friends! Games, table tennis, air hockey, pool, table football, tuck shop and a short chat about the Christian faith.

Tuesdays, 9.30-11am (during term time)
£2 per family
Babies & preschoolers enjoy toys, activities, crafts, snacks and singing with their parents and carers.
We have limited numbers, so please contact rachael.smith@holmergreenbaptist.org.uk to book your space.
2nd Saturday of the month, 9:30am to 11am
£2 per family
Who Let The Dads Out? is a great space for Dads, Grandads and male carers to spend the morning out with their children. There are games tables to be enjoyed by all ages, toddler’s toys for the little ones and crafts for the children. Refreshments are also available throughout, with sausage and bacon baps, as well as teas and coffees, all included in the £2 entry fee.

HGBC Sunflowers is an inclusive, safe space for children with hidden disabilities to come together for
fun, support and nurture.
HGBC Sunflowers stems from the vision of Kerri Fabre (primary teacher and mother of a wonderful neurodiverse child) to grow a network which celebrates the unique and diverse hidden disabilities community.
We invite children aged 7-14 and their parents from this special community, to join us at Holmer Green Baptist Church on the 4th Saturday of each month at 10am-12pm.
At HGBC Sunflowers you can expect free flowing activities, crafts, structured games for those who wish to participate, plus a space for parents to have a cuppa and chat.
To register your interest, or if you have any questions, please email: